We can connect families to child care scholarships that help parents afford high quality child care while they work, train for a job, or go to school. See if you qualify and how you can find care that fits your family’s needs.
Child Care ScholarshipsParents with income at or below 85% of the state's median income may be eligible for scholarships to pay for child care while they work or attend school.
Local school districts offer many options for public school 4K, and eligibility is based on income, Medicaid eligibility, developmental readiness, and other factors based on each district’s PreK offerings.
Care, activities, and lunch are provided free to children ages 3 and 4 who are from families with income at or below the poverty level.
Free child care and parenting support are provided for eligible children age 3 and under, pregnant women, and their families.
Choose a free, full-day 4K program in a licensed child care center, charter school or private school. Plus, get child care scholarships for the whole family.
Parents and caregivers can search for childcare in their area and learn how to apply for financial help.
This free summer program helps children get ready for kindergarten and eases worries they or their family may have.
Countdown to 4K supports strong school transitions by connecting children entering preschool, families, and teachers in a series of one-on-one visits during the summer.
Children age 5 and under may be eligible for scholarships that let them go to quality child care centers tuition-free.
Local librarians visit families, childcare programs, and preschools to bring books, share stories, and interest children in reading.
The Office of Early Learning and Literacy at the SC Dept. of Education works with school districts, teachers, communities, and families to provide resources to help every child succeed in school.
Allendale County School District offers PreK 3 within the school district.
Allendale County School District offers PreK 4 within the school district.
Williamsburg County School District offers Pre-Kindergarten programs within the school district.
York School District 1 offers 4K programs at all elementary schools within the district.
The Beaufort County School District offers Pre-Kindergarten programs at all elementary schools and early childhood centers.
Visit the Traveling Preschool Bus and discover what parents and caregivers need to know about school readiness.
Abbeville County's Child Early Reading Development and Education Program (CERDEP) is a free, full-day, four-year-old kindergarten program for children who live in Abbeville County.
Southside Early Childhood Center offers comprehensive early childhood services for children from the prenatal stage through age four. Our program is designed to nurture the whole child by addressing cognitive, physical, social-emotional, and language development while also providing support for families.
Monday-Thursday full day (8 a.m. - 3 p.m. and Friday noon dismissal), free school program for four year olds offered at Clear Dot Charter School.
Waccamaw Economic Opportunity Council (WEOC), Inc. is a federally funded preschool program that offers comprehensive services to children ages six weeks to four years old
Waccamaw Economic Opportunity Council (WEOC), Inc. is a federally funded preschool program
Headstart offers comprehensive services for families and children: early learning and development, health, and family well-being.
PCA Headstart offers comprehensive services for families and children: early learning and development, health, and family wellbeing.