Everyone can share information about First Five SC
We all have a part to play in helping our youngest children thrive. With First Five SC, you can easily connect parents and caregivers to programs that make a difference.
One way is by following us on Facebook, then tagging friends in comments and sharing posts with your network.
You can also download easy-to-use materials, videos, and social media graphics to spread the word.
Need Free Materials?
Want print materials to share at events such as health fairs, parent groups, festivals and celebrations? Use our order form, and we’ll send them to you for free.
You can download outreach materials to share and images for your webpages below the order form.
Marketing Materials
The following print-ready materials may be downloaded, copied, and distributed without alteration free of charge.
Flyer (English) 8.5 x 11 - no bleed
Tri-Fold Brochure (English) 8.5 x 11 - bleed
Poster (English) 11 x 17 - bleed
Rack Card (English and Spanish) 4 x 9 - bleed
Download one of our social media graphics below and share on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
Facebook/Instagram (1080 x 810)
Facebook/Instagram (810 x 1080)
Facebook/Twitter (1200 x 630)
Sample Messages:
Parenting isn't always easy, but you don't have to do it alone. If you are expecting a new baby or raising a young child, First Five SC can connect you with free services and resources in your community. From food assistance to child care, special needs services to parenting support, First Five SC helps you choose options that are right for you. Visit first5sc.org today to get started.
Parenting isn't always easy, but you don't have to do it alone. #FirstFiveSC can help. At first5sc.org, you can find free services and resources for children ages 0-5. It takes just a few minutes to check your eligibility and apply.
See our brand guidelines for reference on use of the First Five SC logo.
Download and use logos on your website and social media: