Because parents are a child’s first and most important teacher

For expectant parents and children through age 5, Parents as Teachers (PAT) provides regular personal visits from a parent educator and group sessions with other families.

Screening and assessments help identify developmental concerns for children. PAT can then connect families to outside resources they may need.

Parents as Teachers programs are available throughout South Carolina from a variety of partners, with a blend of state, federal, and local funding. 

To learn more, visit:

South Carolina First Steps--
Children's Trust of SC (partners by county),

Parents as Teachers Programs and Services

Parents as Teachers (First Steps)

Combining personal coaching and group sessions with other families, this program helps parents make the most of their important role in children’s development and education.

Parents As Teachers (Childrens Trust)

Combining personal coaching and group sessions with other families, this program helps parents make the most of their important role in children’s development and education.

Parents as Teachers at Prisma Health Children’s Hospital Outpatient Center

Combining the four dynamic components of the Parents as Teachers model (personal visits, group connections, child screenings, resource network), this program helps parents make the most of their important role in their child’s development.

Parents as Teachers at Carolina Health Centers Inc.

Combining personal coaching and group sessions with other families, this program helps parents make the most of their important role in children’s development and education.

Parents as Teachers at Beaufort Jasper Hampton Comprehensive Health Services Inc.

Combining personal coaching and group sessions with other families, this program helps parents make the most of their important role in children’s development and education.

Parents as Teachers at Cooperative Health

Combining personal coaching and group sessions with other families, this program helps parents make the most of their important role in children’s development and education.

Beaufort County School District Parents as Teachers

The Beaufort County School District's Parents as Teachers program is an early childhood, parent education, and family support program serving families from pregnancy through five years old.